Sunday, August 12, 2007

Definitely a dog paddler

We found another nice spot today. It's Olallie State Park off I-90. The initial entrance didn't look too inviting since there's a big gravel parking lot and a small power plant further in. Above the plant, however, is a picturesque falls and there are some huge old growth logs which Tristan would leap onto with a single bound.

The best part is that a very short trail leads right to a scenic spot on the river. Even with my bad knees I can easily get to the river. Tristan and I had a blast playing fetch in and around the rocky outcrops of the river. It doesn't show on the picture but the rocky island in the middle is very high at the end. I'd throw the ball over the island and Tristan would scramble over to retrieve and then run to the top playing king of the mountain.

Our game ended a bit prematurely when Tristan's yellow ball sank. Here's Tristan swimming to get it. He could see it and kept pawing at it but he wouldn't stick his nose under water to pick it up. Finally Tristan started making a huge ruckus clearly voicing his frustration. All this because he won't put his nose in the water. As much as he loves the water, a lab he is not.

What a big baby! I don't know where he gets that behavior. I dropped and broke my camera while we were there and I certainly didn't make such a fuss. Saying the F word multiple times doesn't count.


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