Sunday, February 03, 2008

Training articles

Tristan is starting to learn articles in tracking. Scented articles (small pieces of leather, fabric, or wood) are placed on the track and the dog is to indicate he or she has found the article by lying down or other method.

I haven't worked with Tristan on articles because I can't kneel down beside him so that I can reinforce him with praise and treats. But it's time to start so yesterday I decided I would have to give it a try in my own way. While I can't kneel I can still give lots of praise and bend over to give the treats. It's not optimum but Tristan is happy to get treats anyway he can. The first step is to get the dog to platz on an article. It only took several times before he would come upon the article and lay down with it between his paws. It was a short session but I was pleased that Tristan got the idea.

That was yesterday. Today I put an article on the track but Tristan was oblivious to it when he came upon it. It really was expecting too much that Tristan would get that the article on the track was the same as what we did at the park yesterday. Still it was a good learning experience and he was rewarded with a lot of treats when he platzed by command on the article. Next week I'm to have about 10 articles on the track and lots of treats on hand.

Now about those articles. The articles need to have human scent on them and the trail layer usually carries the articles around next to one's skin for at least 30 minutes before putting them on the track. I'm just picturing tucking in 10 pieces of carpeting on my person. That must be what training bras are for! (Groans are allowed)

Tristan was too wired again in obedience. It seems like he alternates Sundays between being good and being too excited. It really stresses me when he's hyper because it seems like I'm having to correct him about everything. I get frustrated and tense when we should be enjoying working on the field. He did great though when the trainer worked with him on the dumbbell. It's amazing to see how he gets Tristan to really want the dumbbell while learning to hold it solidly.

Protection was great as always. The guy's a natural.


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