Saturday, June 05, 2004

Baby picture

It's hard to believe Tristan was ever this small. I'm redating some posts so they will be in roughly chronological order. This is on his first day home with me at six weeks. I actually brought him home a week earlier than I should have. Seven weeks is when the kennel likes to see their pups go to their new homes. I went at six weeks as I had pick of the litter and I wanted to be sure to get my selection made. I was so anxious to get my new puppy after waiting for his birth that there was no way I could leave without him. My excuse was that it was a long drive but really I just wanted to get and keep my hands on him. I think I paid the price in chewed up hands and arms. Tristan was extremely mouthy and I think he would have learned some better manners from his mom and siblings during that last week. His baby teeth were absolutely needle sharp and I still have faint scars on my forearms. Everything went in his mouth and he was relentless. He had a hard time learning to play without using his mouth. I was, of course, utterly enchanted with him so thought it was a small price for having such a cute puppy.


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