Sunday, December 09, 2007

Very happy pup

Tristan was one very happy pup today. Since we've passed the BH, he is no longer confined to just doing the BH elements. So today we went back to working on the jumps and he could do protection work too.

Tristan was absolutely adorable when we were doing the jump and A-frame. Ok, I always think he is adorable but he really was especially cute today. He hasn't worked on the jumps for several months but he was better than when we broke off training on them. It was like "See, see, I know how to do this and wait, let me show you again!". I threw a ball over several times to retrieve and he immediately hupped over and back. Then I turned away and Tristan proceeded to jump over and back on his own several times. Ditto with the A-frame. He really was showing off and having a grand time. What a character.

Tristan loved doing protection too. He did some pole work with a newly certified helper and then was so happy to run off the field with the trophy sleeve.

Club training will be on hiatus until January. I still plan on working with Tristan a lot.


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