Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Training mantra

Anything you let a dog do, you are training it to do.

This is now my training mantra. I was given advice by an experienced club member that I needed to make things black or white for Tristan. It's excellent advice which I try to follow but I don't think I fully grasped its meaning until I recently spotted the above maxim. I've applied it to the follow through of requiring Tristan to obey a command once given. I've always tried to do that. I've been less mindful of behavior when I haven't given a command or if the execution is less than perfect. Unless the behavior is really bad, my practice has probably been more to ignore it if I didn't want to reinforce it. What I failed to understand is that allowing the behavior is reinforcement. In addition, I've been too easily satisfied if the command is obeyed but the execution of it is off.

I think the saying clarifies to me the meaning of black and white in Schutzhund training. 100% obedience doesn't just mean obeying a command but rather doing the command 100% perfectly.


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