Saturday, March 21, 2009

Desperately need a camera

Notice a certain sameness in my recent photos? And no, I don't mean that 99% of them are of Tristan. My camera is on the fritz so my IPhone camera is filling in. I'll learn Friday if the camera can be repaired. I'm missing having a real camera with a telephoto lens. The shot above is of some bald eagles at Fir Island Farms/Hayton Snow Goose Reserve in the Skagit Valley. They were majestic, however, they're barely discernible in the shot.

We hit the area and caught some of the last migrating birds. White swans and swirls of snow geese taking flight were beautiful. It's too early for flowers but we did see one small plot of daffodils.

Our next stop was Bay View State Park. Here's Tristan doing his obligatory pose.
There's a nice sandy beach just a few feet down from the picnic area.

It's fun watching Tristan initiate a game of fetch. He'll spot a likely candidate (he knows to choose men since they can throw) and scurries over to the guy with a stick in his mouth. How can they resist such an invitation? Soon a great round of fetch ensues. Tristan found a willing participant today and had a great time with his new friend.

Not to worry about the ladies though. Tristan seems particularly enamored with women and little girls. They're the ones he hits on when we're out shopping. He knows he will get sweet pets from them. Of course, little boys and babies aren't immune from his charm. Today a little two year old boy was in front of us in a check out line. Soon he was hanging on Tristan, grabbing his ears and being the receipent of soft kisses. Tristan is so gentle with little ones but I keep a very, very close eye just because he's so big.


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