Thursday, April 30, 2009

Tristan is on the injured list

Tristan hurt his paw playing football today. I'm sure he'll be okay but he's limping right now so, of course, I worry.

We were at the boat launch today when four young guys roared up, hopped out and then did a double take at Tristan. Hmmm. Tristan soon disarmed them and was happy to retrieve properly thrown sticks (meaning at great distances versus my wimpy tosses). Soon he joined them in a combination football throwing/keep away game. Tristan tore back and forth as the football was thrown but woe to anyone who bobbled the ball - Tristan was right there to claim possession and would speed off with the ball until called back to relinquish it. He was scoring big time and the football was taking a bruising until one of the guys spotted Tristan's paw was bleeding.

It looks like Tristan ground a nail down to the quick with all his skidding stops and turns on the concrete but he sure had fun until the injury. The guys thought Tristan was pretty cool and he certainly loved playing with them. We made a hasty exit to get Tristan home for treatment.

The goats are gone from Magnuson leaving a very well browsed hillside empty of blackberry bushes. I really would love to have a small party for several goats at my house. I have some lovely hors d'oeuvres for them.

5/1/09 Update on Tristan:
Tristan's injury is worst than I thought. It looked like the quick of his nail initially because that's where I saw the bleeding. Instead the pads on both of his back feet are torn. He can barely walk and has only made it outside once.

Tristan's such a sweetie and a trouper about it. I know it hurts him but he lets me change his bandages without any fuss and even offers up his paws for me to do it.


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