Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Arf. Silence. Arf.

Tristan is in the hall and, in his most polite inside voice, arfs several times. I go to investigate as this is something new for him. He leads me to his bowl in the kitchen and sits expectantly. Oops, I completely forgot to feed him and Tristan is letting me know it's 11:00 PM and way past suppertime.

I feel like I'm living with Lassie. It's a good thing there aren't any wells in my neighborhood; otherwise, there would be lots of "Timmy's in the well" alerts.

Or living with Snoopy. Check out the link in the post title. Feeding time has always been "suppertime" in honor of Snoopy.

My only excuse for the lapse is that it's been a bit of a wild day. I had several appointments and Tristan went with me but spent most of the time in the car. We did manage a trip to the park on the way home although it was starting to rain. The timing was good because it absolutely poured after we got home. Then lightning and thunder, wow! I swear one of the strikes was directly over my house. The thunder was louder than any I've ever heard before. I know a transformer and a tree were hit on my street some blocks away so lightning was definitely in the area. Tristan was cool throughout. Loud noises don't bother him but I noticed he sauntered in to be near me.


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