Friday, April 21, 2006

It's All About Tristan

Today I'm setting up Tristan's new blog. Tristan's my German Shepherd Dog and he's absolutely awesome. I am utterly besotted with him so, instead of just boring my friends with Tristan stories, now I can bore the whole world! Actually I do have a bit higher purpose than endless stories although there will certainly be many of those. I think it will be interesting and useful to keep a record of Tristan's Schutzhund training. It's a totally new world for both of us and we have so much to learn. It might be useful to others just thinking about doing Schutzhund or who are also just starting out. I'm sure lots of "me" will slip in too but since "it's all about Tristan" I'll probably keep that to a minimum.

The impetus for actually getting the blog set up came today. Tristan is scary smart. He totally floored me when we started to play a regular game of fetch. He presented me with his deflated basketball. It's hard to toss so I told him to get his blue ball. He's ball crazy and has lots of balls in the back yard. I saw one across the yard but Tristan went running under the deck and came back with a different blue ball. He knows "get your ball" but the only training I've done with colors is to occasionally refer to the ball color. I haven't done that for some time but apparently he knows blue. He's always doing something incredible like this. I'll think it's just a fluke but then he will do it consistently and I know it's for real. Another example happened when I first started using a Chuck-It type thing to toss the ball. Without any prompting Tristan brought the ball back and put it in the cup. It totally cracked me up but then he did it over and over again.

So enough for today. I have a maniac nudging me because he wants to play more fetch! It's late and we're going to be bad kids and play in the house.


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