Sunday, February 10, 2008


Tristan did articles today. I messed up a bit by forgetting his regular Natural Balance treats. Of course I did - because I had taken extra care to properly dice them into the appropriately precise size last night and so left them in the refrigerator. Luckily I keep other treats in the vehicle so all was not lost. It's just that Tristan prefers Natural Balance and I would like to use the most positive reinforcement possible plus I would like to keep all other things the same when introducing something new at training.

I laid seven articles articles in a straight track 10 to 15 paces apart. Tristan did just okay and not great. He hasn't really figured it out. The process is to have Tristan follow the track and then platz at the article. If he doesn't go down, he's given the platz command. He stays down and gets lots of treats individually placed on the article. Then when he's focused on the track again and his nose is down, he's given the command to track again. Tristan had to be given the platz command at each article. I'm going to work hard with him this week and try to get him up to speed for next week.

Tristan was a lot better at obedience this week. It was his week to be calmer since he alternates weeks between being calm and overexcited. He really enjoyed the dumbbell work. The trainer has gotten Tristan to really want the dumbbell and he looks amazing. At one point though Tristan dropped the dumbbell. The trainer had me take Tristan off the field and, boy, was Tristan ever sorry he dropped it. He was a handful trying to get him back to the car and the kennel. He kept trying to head back to the dumbbell and was very determined to get at it. Great learning for him.

Protection work was great. We've been practicing at a different field since our club field is too soggy and for the last month have only used one portable blind. This week there were two so Tristan did a blind search. I was pleased that he immediately did the search correctly even though the set up was a lot different.


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