Sunday, March 16, 2008

Tristan as private nurse

Tristan is on nursing duty today. I came down with a bad cold yesterday so instead of training today he is on nurse duty. He's tended to me very well by staying next to me and letting me sleep most of the day. He did take a break from his duties in the afternoon when I let him out for a while. He snuck back in and stole a shoe to entice me out to the back yard. When I went out to retrieve it, the chase was on. First, lots of play bowing and pouncing, then after grabbing the shoe, off to madly tear around the perimeter.

Tristan hasn't done the steal and chase routine for a quite some time so maybe he just wanted to cheer me up, or more realistically, he was letting me know that he still wanted some play time. I love that my noble stalwart protector is also so mischievous.


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