Saturday, January 31, 2009

Larrabee State Park

I think Tristan is eyeing his dream dog house. It's a very contemporary house hanging on the edge of a small bluff next to the park. Can you imagine the glorious 180 degree plus view?

We headed north on a day trip. As usual we were chasing sunny skies. North of Marysville I started to see clear skies - in my rear view mirror. Drat! What to do? Turn around and hope the band of clear weather would still be there or forge ahead with eternal optimism? We are a stalwart team so onward we went to our destination of Chuckanut Drive. Great virtue (mine, of course) is rewarded and thus we were. The sun came out and it was a spectacular drive.

I managed the trail down to the beach by going very slowly and the trail back up with Tristan's help. Tristan really wanted to romp but there were folks around so he had to content himself with dragging driftwood logs around and getting lots of pats from everyone.


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