Sunday, August 13, 2006


Look at these handsome guys. These are our wonderful helpers - looking wildly confident. Ha! It's before Tristan has his way with them. I really don't know how they do it. One of the other members keeps saying the dogs are only interested in the sleeve but I think that must be hard to remember when a powerful dog is doing its bark and hold and is totally in one's face.

Another rave about a lovely Sunday morning on the way to the tracking field - sunny, early morning fog burning off, two hot air balloons and a hang glider hovering in the vicinity - but also a fox! It was very cool to see the fox. Embarrassingly enough after raving about seeing a fox, I realize it might have been a young coyote. It was pretty grey. I probably should be able to tell the difference but I guess I'm just a city girl.

I messed Tristan up on tracking. I laid a good portion of the track over dirt which I know Tristan doesn't care for. I thought it would be good for him to practice it. The trainer said he didn't really need to practice on it now. He will probably track in grass for any trials and he needs to be really proficient at that first. We can always add dirt when appropriate. Tristan came to a screeching halt with the dirt. He knew where the track was and could even see the food but he refused to put his nose in the dirt. He did fine when he was back on grass even though I'm skipping putting food in a lot of footsteps.


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