Saturday, July 29, 2006

Expensive road trip

Tristan and I took a road trip today which turned out to be rather expensive. Going over Stevens Pass to Lake Wenatchee we stopped to visit with several State Patrol officers. Two tickets = $407. Ouch!

Let me plead my case. I was stopped by two WSP units at the same time. Both gave me a speeding ticket - for the exact same incident - noted at the exact same time. I'm a bit perplexed and would be irritated if it weren't so ridiculous. I fully expected a ticket but was amazed when I was handed two tickets. I asked (very respectfully) how I could get two tickets for the same offense and one of the officers said it was two incidents. I pointed out that the two incidents both occurred at 11:57 AM according to the tickets and he didn't seem to have an answer. I think he was surprised to see the tickets had the exact same time and he just said the information to contest them was on the ticket. I will.

This(these) is(are) my first ticket(s) in *ahem* many years and it was almost worth it. I was speeding because I was in a rare passing lane and was determined to get past a line of cars. I have a personal pet peeve about slow moving traffic that refuses to use pull outs as required on two lane roads but then suddenly speeds up when a passing lane appears. I endured this situation for 40 miles and finally had an opportunity to pass so I took it. It was greatly satisfying although it had a high price tag.

With the double teaming I received today, I now half believe the WSP targets this section of highway because they know it's the first lengthy passing lane available and cars will be impelled to do exactly as I did. Or is that giving them too much credit? Grrrr! I did get another smidge of satisfaction as one of the patrolmen was very nervous about Tristan. Tristan keep trying to poke his head across me and out of the driver's side window. He wasn't remotely aggressive, just his usual interested self. The patrolman commented about getting bit and made a point of standing away from the window toward the front of the car. Too bad WSP don't wear jute :).

Update: Nov 2, 2006. I had my day in court. The judge dismissed the larger of the two tickets and deferred the other ticket with $100 court cost. It will be dismissed if I don't receive another speeding ticket in the next year. So for now my good driving record is intact and I'm highly motivated not to speed.

The procedure is that one has three options. 1) Contest the charge (I didn't do it) 2) Mediation but ticket goes on record (I did it but hope for a reduction in the fine because of the circumstances) and 3) Deferral (can't have any other tickets).

I had to do 1) with a "I did it - but I only did it once". The WSP officers were still being naughty. They wrote it up to make it sound as if I had been stopped twice. The judge read their statements but then was surprised to learn that I had only been stopped once. She immediately said she would dismiss the higher ticket so that made me eligible for deferring the other.


Anonymous Anonymous said... be cited twice for the one offense? Doesn't make sense. This just perpetuates the "monthly quota theories". Not should get thrown out! Way to stay calm during the whole ordeal Big T...

4:13 AM  

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