Wednesday, May 10, 2006

My Miata, my dog and me

We've started training on Wednesdays now too. The price of gas getting there is killing me! Every trip to the training fields in Snohomish and back is $20. Ouch! So I rolled out my trusty old Miata for the trip today. I kept it when I bought the Xterra since I figured it was worth more to me than any trade in I could get, however, I really haven't driven it since buying the Xterra. Yes, I bought a SUV just as gas prices started their climb. In my defense I needed an automatic transmission because my knees could no longer handle a manual for my work commute in stop and go traffic; and if I got a new car, obviously it needed to handle a large kennel.

When I got Tristan, my friends all teased me that I would have to buy a car for my dog. Tristan, however, actually does quite well in the Miata although we are quite a sight when the top is down. When he sits up, he's a lot taller than I am and he loves to put his chin over the front windshield. I have to admit it looks hysterical. With the top up though he curls up in the passenger seat and is quite comfy.

The downside to taking the Miata is that the dogs really need to be in a kennel when at the training field. I heard warning stories tonight of how they can get so pumped up that they will tear up an interior or go through a rag top. Hmmm. The trainers had me put Tristan in an open space in their kennel trailer so we averted disaster for tonight. I think he would be fine but these could be famous last words.

Tristan was great at the blind search today. He gets so excited when he sees the protection gear and starts deep barking as he should. The obedience is started to show. I was able to lead him onto the field and then gave him the fuss command to get into position and to pay attention to me. It took a correction but he fussed and then I could give him the revier command to search. He went right to the blind, barked to hold and bit the sleeve when threatened. Jason, a helper, said Tristan had the most powerful bite of all the dogs today.

It's starting to come together for me. I am still a complete neophyte but I'm starting to feel more comfortable while training. It feels more natural rather than feeling overwhelmed by trying to remember everything I'm supposed to be doing.

On the way home Tristan calmly climbed between the seats and draped himself across the shelf behind the seats and rested his head on my shoulder. He's never done that before but all 90 pounds fit easily which amazed me.


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