Sunday, June 04, 2006


Today's work was mixed. We missed tracking because we got a late start. I went directly to the club field so Tristan could have a nice romp before the others arrived from tracking. Obedience went well. I tested Tristan for the first time on a part of the BH traffic section. I attach his lead to a tie-out and go out of sight. Then another dog walks by at about five paces. Tristan did as required - remaining quiet in my absence and showing no aggression to the other dog. Nicely done while still being very interested in where I went.

Protection work was mixed and I feel I let Tristan down. The very nice person who helps me with escorting Tristan onto the field kept correcting him to make him be quiet. Tristan gets so excited when it's time for protection that he makes a huge ruckus whining and carrying on as we wait his turn. I know Tristan needs to learn to be quiet as we wait but I think the corrections were too much and confused him. I don't really think he knew why he was being corrected. I should have spoken up.

Tristan was a bit unsure doing the blind search. He did well looking at me for the command but a different helper was in the blind and I think it rattled Tristan a little. Tristan didn't do well with his hold and bark. The training director took over to work with Tristan so he could work him through it and end on a successful note. I think the problem was probably a combination of the different helper and the earlier corrections.

I plan on discussing with the training director how I should handle Tristan's unruliness while waiting. I feel badly when Tristan gets corrected because I haven't properly handled something.


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