Friday, September 08, 2006

Matching tattoos

Tristan is getting a tattoo. He's been microchipped but since he's going to have dual registration in Germany, he also has to be tattooed. The requirement seems like an anachronistic remnant of pre-microchip days. I think it's an odd requirement since the owner can but doesn't have to use an assigned number. The owner can choose the tattoo which is a combination of 5 or more letters and numbers. If the tattoo isn't a unique number, what's the point?

If Tristan has to get one, however, we might as well have fun with it. Ergo, the opportunity for Tristan and I to have "matching" tattoos. I have a small very discreet star so Tristan is going to be tattooed with "star". I have to add at least one number so it will probably be "star1". It will be our own private joke.

He's having it done by the vet next Friday when he has his hips and elbows x-rayed for OFA review.


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